Video Game’s design Implications to promote moderate activity in seniors




exergames, older adults, inter-joint angle, balance, biosignals


Researchers and different efforts have identified several social, health, financial challenges, among others, with ageing population. Regarding health challenges, the World Health Organization encourages physical activation programs to promote healthy ageing. These programs aim to alleviate imminent musculoskeletal deterioration, or injuries that may occur. Severely increased deteriorations may affect older adults’ movement patterns, affecting their autonomy, control, or force. The only way to reduce this deterioration is through physical activation. Therefore, medical gerontology considers physical activity as one of the best tools to improve health and prevent many diseases. Within HCI, research has evaluated exergames as an alternative to engage older adults in physical activation. Exergames have become the technological focus of physical activity, stimulating physical activity through play and competition. However, it is unclear how to maximize these benefits. In this paper we present a set of design implications to improve inter-joint angle for older adults, and maximize activity with its precautions.


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How to Cite

Cornejo, R. et al. 2020. Video Game’s design Implications to promote moderate activity in seniors. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 5, 1 (Nov. 2020), 1–10. DOI:



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