A Mobile Haptic Interface to Define Vibrotactile Patterns Mimicking Surface Textures
Human-centered computing, Haptic devices, Touch screensAbstract
Sensory integration therapies are essential for aiding people with sensory differences or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in processing sensory-rich environments. Haptic computing has become a valuable tool in this context. To the best of our knowledge, few interfaces allow for manipulating vibrotactile patterns or mimicking texture variations used in therapies. In this paper we report Cactus, a user-centered mobile haptic interface designed for research. Cactus facilitates the creation of vibrotactile patterns representing textures like smooth, bumpy, rough, sharp, and adhesive. It connects one to six MetamotionS devices with an Android phone, which can be embedded in a ring, glove, or smartphone case. A preliminary evaluation with 24 adult participants revealed distinct haptic sensations for each pattern. However, showed only 52% accuracy in texture classification. This work aims to refine the Cactus App development and advance research into an interface tailored for vibrotactile therapies in children with ASD
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