A Mobile Application for Mexican Youth Alcohol Interventions
A Formative Evaluation
Alcohol Consumption, Mobile Sensing, Chatbot, Usability Testing, Text-Based Interventions, User InvolvementAbstract
Risky alcohol consumption and binge drinking among Mexican youth represent significant public health issues. In this work, we present SofIA, a mobile application designed to monitor and intervene in the alcohol consumption patterns of Mexican youth. We designed a naturalistic, formative study intended to obtain feedback on SofIA. This study aimed to assess the usability and effectiveness of the application using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Chatbot Usability Questionnaire (CUQ). Our results indicate a moderate level of usability with suggestions for targeted improvements to enhance user experience and application efficacy. This study provides insights into the design of mobile apps for public health interventions for youth alcohol misuse, highlighting the need for further research to optimize these digital tools.
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