Towards a Collaborative Learning Framework for D-learning based on improving the teamwork skills of adolescents
Aprendizaje Colaborativo, Aprendizaje Colaborativo Apoyado por Computadora, D-learning, Trabajo en equipoAbstract
Collaborative learning (CL) and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) are educational models that significantly improve students' higher-order, digital, and transversal skills if employed appropriately. Experts and industry members have named the CL and CSCL essential strategies to solve the deficiencies detected in the skills of professionals working in a digital economy profoundly accelerated by technological advances and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This document presents a project’s path and current status to create a framework for collaborative learning among adolescents, focused on developing their team skills and robust support in the principles of d-learning. This research seeks to formulate a model for face-to-face learning at first, but that can evolve to be implemented in both online and hybrid courses.
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